Dough preparation

100g butter

2 eggs

100ml milk

For filling

3 bananas

500ml whipped cream

Beat the cake mix, 100g butter, 2 eggs, and 100ml milk with an electric beater for about 3 minutes at the highest level. Spread the dough evenly in a butter greased cake tray or mould. Smooth evenly and bake at 170 ° C for about 30 minutes.

After the cake cools down, scoop a hole into the middle of the cake by scooping with a tablespoon. Cut the bananas lengthwise and place them in the cake hole.

Add the filling mixture content to the whipped cream and whip until firm. Layout the finished whipped filling on to the cake and sprinkle the cake with scooped crumble. Let it set in the fridge for about 2 hours.


Mate radi rychle a snadne recepty? Pro takove pripady u nas v Haluskach najdete pecici smesi, napriklad Drobeny dort, ktery zvladne skutecne kazdy.



Na testo:

100g masla

2 vejce

100ml mleka

Na napln:

3 banany

500ml slehacky

Smes na pripravu korpusu, mslo, vejce a mleko slehame elektrickym slehačem 3 minuty na nejvyssim stupni. Testo rovnomerne rozetreme do tukem vymazane a moukou vysypane dortove formy. Uhladime a peceme pri 170 °C cca 30 minut.

Po vychladnuti vydlabeme korpus, ktery nahrubo rozdrobime. Banany podelne rozkrojime a polozime na korpus. Do temer vyslehane slehacky pridame smes na napln a doslehame do tuha. Hotovou napln navrsime na korpus a drobenim dort posypeme. Nechame v lednici asi 2 hodiny ztuhnout.